Sajid Javid is trying to rush through plans which will allow private companies to gain access to our medical records. This is being done without patients’ consent.
This move could put unaccountable big tech companies at the heart of our NHS - changing it forever. Just Treatment is working with Foxglove - who are fighting to make tech fair - and other concerned groups to stop this move.
We need your help. Tell Sajid Javid to:
drop the 23 June* deadline for patients to opt out (UPDATED: drop the 25 August deadline for patients to opt out)
drop plans to share our data with private companies for profit
pause the rest of the plan and hold a proper consultation
*UPDATE: Our coalition’s threat of injunction forced the government to pause the collection of 55m people’s health data for two months, and they’ve now given the public a new opt out date of 25 August.