The Big NHS Consultation

*MARCH 2025 UPDATE: The government has delayed the launch of their NHS 10 year plan, which is now set to be published in summer. This means the consultation window has been extended - so we encourage as many patients as possible to engage with it and call for increased NHS investment and an end to outsourcing and privatisation!*

This week the government announced what they’re calling the biggest public consultation on the NHS in its history. These government consultations rarely give the public the power to truly shape policy-making beyond the odd superficial tweak here and there. Because all the big decisions have been made already by politicians and well-resourced corporate lobbyists, it can feel like a waste of time  - especially when we have learned more this week about the scale of private healthcare cash flowing into the coffers of Wes Streeting.

When we consulted the NHS patients in every constituency of the UK about the future of the NHS they wanted, the NHS New Deal was the resulting vision - one that looks very different to what the government is planning. Aligned with public opinion in poll after poll, it called for the reversal of NHS privatisation.

But, sometimes an overwhelming outcry can shift the government - or at least make it more difficult for them to carry on regardless in the face of significant public opposition showing up in their survey responses. And, this is a chance for ordinary NHS users to speak honestly about their experiences with the health service - something that does not happen enough. 

We know that people and groups opposed to the NHS as a fully public service will be responding to this survey with ideas that encourage the further destruction of our health service - so we think it's right that as many of our supporters, and the NHS’ supporters add their voice.

Here are a few questions and tips about this big NHS consultation, and how you can help:

What is it?

The big NHS consultation is an online survey that’s supposed to help shape the new 10-year plan for the NHS, which the government will publish in early 2025. Its goal is to hear the experiences and ideas of patients and staff on what needs to change to fix the NHS's mess.

There are about 25 questions, but most are very quick - where in the country do you live, or clicking tick boxes to show what problems within the NHS affected you. They want people to give their views on the government’s big three themes for NHS reform: moving care out of hospitals into the community; making better use of technology; and an increased focus on prevention. And there is a chance for people to submit their ideas on how to improve the NHS.

Before you get stuck in you’ll have to give and verify your email address.

What should I say?

Answer honestly - we hear heartbreaking stories every week about people who have been let down by the NHS. It is important those voices get heard in this process. However, most people who contact us to talk about the difficulties they’ve faced,are at pains to point out that they still love the NHS, and don’t blame the staff. It’s important to say that too.

Talk honestly about what improvements you want to see happen with the NHS, and how you want your care delivered.

What are the big things Just Treatment is concerned about?

This survey seems deliberately designed not to mention some of the more controversial aspects of the government’s plans, like Wes Streeting's commitment to accelerating privatisation of NHS care in a misguided attempt to to cut waiting lists.

There are plenty of places where you can make your concerns known, so don’t hold back.

Here are some of the things we’ll be saying when we submit a response as an organisation:

  • The NHS can’t get back to delivering the care we all need and deserve without a huge increase in funding. It’s lost out on £362bn of funds through austerity, and requires at least an extra 5.5% above inflation budget increase every year.

  • The private sector freeload on the NHS by stealing its staff, and cherry-picking the easiest, most profitable care. There is also strong evidence that private care leads to worse care and more deaths. Handing more NHS contracts over to the private sector so our taxpayer cash goes into the pockets of corporate execs will keep weakening our universal health service. We support reform of the NHS, but there is no evidence for privatisation. It’s ideological and must be reversed.

  • An increased focus on prevention is good - but that should be about proven public health interventions, not expensive, unproven products from big pharma and health tech firms that put the blame for poor health on individuals, not our social conditions, the economy, and the government responsible for setting those policies

  • The NHS desperately needs improved tech - but that shouldn’t mean monopolist spy tech firms controlling our health data; big pharma getting free access to our information; and snake oil AI firms pocketing lots of cash that should be invested in front line care. We need the government to rethink its un-critical love-in with big pharma and big tech before they hand them the keys to the NHS.

  • There are lots more things that we’re concerned about - and we’ll try to expand on this blog over the coming weeks to add more.

Ok. I’m going to fill it in. What next?

Click here to go to the survey and get started.

Speak honestly about your concerns - especially the new government’s plans - and then when you’re done drop us an email to let us know what you said!

Nice one!

Allaa Aldaraji