All of us deserve an NHS we can rely on. But years of underinvestment and neglect have left it struggling to cope - and it cannot survive more failed policies.

With millions languishing on waiting lists, deadly delays to urgent care and burnt out staff leaving in their thousands, the crisis in our NHS could not be more stark. Hundreds of patients - our friends and family members - are needlessly dying every single week.


Bereaved families take action outside Conservative HQ to call out the lives lost due to delays in urgent NHS care


Meanwhile, private healthcare is booming. Record numbers of patients are being forced to pay out of pocket in order to be seen quicker. Private providers are being paid enormous sums to deliver procedures that should be done by the NHS. We are hurtling towards a two-tier health system where our public health service crumbles, and only those who can afford to pay receive decent care.

The new government has an opportunity to break with the failed policies of the past and set our NHS on the road to recovery. But so far they have not committed to the lifesaving policies our NHS so desperately needs. We demand:

🔴 Increased investment
🔴 Fair pay for NHS staff
🔴 An end to the outsourcing of NHS services

We are organising with NHS patients and bereaved families severely impacted by this crisis to use their stories to confront politicians, grab headlines and demand change. Here’s just some of the impact we’ve had so far ⬇