Just treatment - putting patients and the nhs before profit.

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Everyone deserves fair access to high quality healthcare. But right now thousands of us are being denied this.

Pharmaceutical companies are charging prices so high the NHS and patients simply can’t afford the medicines. And healthcare corporations are slowly taking control of more and more of the NHS.

This profit-driven agenda is putting all our lives at risk. We’re a group of patients determined to change this, and we know just how powerful patient organising can be.

Together, we’ve taken on big pharma - and won. We’ve made national media headlines, shifted government policy and transformed the lives of thousands of patients. Our work has been recognised by a David & Goliath Award from the Sheila McKechnie Foundation and a Tenacious Award.

Now, we are mobilising patients in every corner of the UK and in countries across the world to fight for an end to corporate power in our health systems and a fully-funded, publicly owned and operated NHS.

Read on to find out more, and join us today. ✊



The NHS is facing its greatest crisis in history. Thousands of patients are being denied access to the care they need and health services are on the brink of collapse.


Years of privatisation and underfunding have decimated the NHS. The government continues to put the profits of private health corporations and big pharma before patients’ health.


When patients organise collectively, we can take on corporate power - and win. We’re fighting to win a transformed NHS and pharmaceutical industry run by the people, for the people.


We’re not HIRING atm 😔


We’re not recruiting for any new roles at the moment - but please do check back here for future opportunities.

In the meantime, if you’d like to get more involved in organising with us, we’d love to hear from you! Please contact Emma on emma@justtreatment.org



Just Treatment started in 2017, with the aim of building a powerful, patient-led campaign to take on the big pharmaceutical companies that rip off the NHS and price medicines so high the people who need them can’t get them. Since then we’ve expanded our campaigning work to fight the politicians and corporations intent on picking apart our national health service.

We continue to be lead by a group of volunteer leaders - many of whom’s stories you can read here. Our small staff team is made up of:

  • Our Director Diarmaid

  • Our Head of Digital Comms & Impact Hope

  • Our Digital Content & Growth Officer Allaa

  • Our Head of Organising & Campaigns Emma

  • Our Senior Pharma Organiser Gayle

  • Our Senior Youth Mental Health Organiser May

  • Our Youth Mental Health Organiser Hannah

  • Our Senior Operations Officer Julia

If you have more questions about us - please get in touch on hello@justtreatment.org



As part of our governance structure, we have a Board of Directors who provide support and guidance to the staff team and retain oversight of the financial, legal and strategic sustainability of the organisation. You can read more about our Directors below!

 thanks to the donors who make our work possible


We will never take a penny from pharmaceutical companies or private healthcare companies. We’re funded by individual contributions from ordinary people who rely on the NHS, and a few organisations who support our fight for an end to healthcare profiteering with vital grant funding, including:

  • Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust

  • Luminate

  • Disrupt Foundation

  • John Ellerman Foundation

  • Blue Moon Trust

  • Breakthrough Prize