We are living in a COVID-19 vaccine apartheid. At the end of 2021, while the UK was rolling out boosters and nearly 70% of its population had been double or even triple jabbed, just 8.6% of people in Africa had received two doses.

COVID-19 treatments, tests and vaccines have been developed using public funds. Yet big pharma monopolies, backed up by rich country governments, give these companies the power to decide who gets access and at what price.

The Government is putting the profits of private corporations ahead of the patients who need these critical tools. This is costing lives in countries where vaccine access rates are low and COVID-19 treatments are scarce. But it’s also putting lives at risk in the UK.

While large numbers of people remain unvaccinated, there is a greater risk of variants emerging which could make the vaccines less effective. This is dangerous for us all - especially for the clinically vulnerable - and puts even more pressure on the NHS, compromising the wider care available to patients.

During a pandemic, a collaborative global response is essential. The UK Government’s profit-driven approach is costing lives and prolonging the pandemic. Together with clinically vulnerable patients and those who have lost family overseas, we're taking on the government and their friends in the pharmaceutical industry.

Join our campaign for affordable and accessible COVID healthcare across the world! 🌍

If you are clinically vulnerable, or if you have family overseas who have struggled to access the vaccine, we want to hear from you! share your story with us today 👇

“I have spent years watching people I know die as they cannot get their hands-on lifesaving medication. I am not willing to do it again.” - Izzie, Just Treatment Patient Leader

I have spent years watching people I know die as they cannot get their hands-on lifesaving medication. I am not willing to do it again.”
- Izzie, Just Treatment Patient Leader





Izzie has cystic fibrosis - her life depends on a COVID vaccine. Now she is campaigning to ensure that a vaccine is affordable for all by calling on big pharma to share their research and drop their harmful monopolies.

Stand with Izzie and add your name today!



A proposal has been put to the World Trade Organisation to suspend the dangerous rules which prop up big pharma monopolies on COVID19 products. This would maximise global access to a COVID vaccine - it's vital that the UK supports it.

Call on the UK Government to back the proposal!




Check out our online ‘Patients versus big pharma’ event to find out more about why we’re campaigning on this! 👉

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