Every NHS patient has a story to share about a health worker who cared for us or a loved one, who made us comfortable when we were in pain, who showed us kindness in moments of despair.
Now, it’s NHS staff who need our support.
After a decade of falling pay - with wages staying the same while the cost of living has soared - many frontline NHS staff are struggling to make ends meet. Meanwhile working conditions and morale have plummeted, after years of underfunding and mismanagement combined with COVID have plunged the NHS into constant crisis mode.
Now, after being ignored by the government for too long, many health unions are taking strike action for the better pay and conditions they need and deserve. With tens of thousands leaving the profession every year and hundreds of thousands of unfilled vacancies in the NHS, our entire public health system relies on the success of these strikes.
As NHS patients, we stand in full solidarity with all NHS workers fighting for better pay and conditions - which are vital for both the welfare of staff and the safety of patients.
After 12 years of cuts, underfunding and privatisation from the government, our NHS is at breaking point. Millions of patients aren’t getting the care they need, and overworked and underpaid staff are leaving in their thousands. Enough is enough. Both patients and staff deserve so much better.
The government wants to see us divided, but we are united in fighting for the fully-funded and truly public health service that all of us need.
Sign up to our Patients on the Pickets campaign to take action in support of striking NHS staff! 🤝
Here’s some photos of volunteers who joined picket lines in January 👇

NEW: NHS solidarity merch! 🔥
We’ve launched limited edition NHS solidarity t-shirts and bags! These are the perfect items to wear to picket lines, protests or around your community to show that you stand with our NHS.
25% of everything we raise will be donated to NHS strike funds, and the rest will help fund our patient-led strike solidarity campaigning - so grab yours today!
A huge thanks to the following trade union branches who have passed motions in support of our Patients on the Pickets campaign 👇
Suffolk Unite Community
Norfolk Unite Community
Brent Trades Council
Lowestoft Trades Council
Waveney TUC
If you are part of a trade union branch who would like to support the campaign, please get in touch with Hope on hope@justtreatment.org so we can share a model motion! ✊