Our current pharmaceutical model is rigged in the interest of big pharma companies and their shareholders.
In the last decade alone, big pharma made £12 billion of 'excess profits' from selling just 10 drugs to the NHS. When we get sick, pharmaceutical companies get very rich.
But big pharma’s NHS profiteering isn’t stopping there. Right now, these companies are lobbying the government to increase the NHS’s drug bill by £2.5 billion a year.
They are trying to rip up something called the Voluntary Scheme for branded medicines, Pricing and Access (VPAS) which keeps big pharma greed in check by capping the amount that the NHS has to pay for medicines.
At a time when our critically underfunded health system is already on its knees, this is an outrage. We need more money for NHS workers, not for big pharma CEOs!
If big pharma get their way in increasing the NHS’ drug bill, it could have worrying consequences for patients' access to medicines.
We are working with allied organisations to resist this - and we need you to get involved. ⬇️
Sign our petition to the UK government urging them to resist big pharma’s demands for an extra £2.5bn from our NHS! 👇
If you have a story to share about NHS drug pricing and access, get in touch with us to help inform our campaigns! 👇
We held an online call with our friends at STOPAIDS and Global Justice Now to discuss these dangerous plans and how we can stop big pharma squeezing billions more out of our NHS.