Young people across Britain are rapidly becoming more anxious, depressed and unhappy with their lives.

Children’s mental health referrals have doubled since the beginning of the pandemic, and one in five young adults had a probable mental disorder during the first lockdown.

More than a decade of government under-funding and rapid privatisation of mental health services means that they are dangerously inadequate. Quality, timely, mental healthcare is now largely the preserve of those who can afford to pay privately.

Meanwhile a coalition of unaccountable corporations acting in their own self-interest - big tech, big oil, big pharma, and more - have pursued business strategies that have maximised both profits and misery, worsening the material conditions that are central to the challenges young people face. This dangerously toxic situation for young people has only been amplified and worsened by the COVID pandemic.

Fixing this ever-growing threat to young peoples’ mental health requires both recognition of the broad structural drivers of the problem, and the corporate culprits.

We need transformation in our health and economic systems to ensures young people start to get the care they need, and to expose and challenge the corporate practices making them sick in the first place. 

We are organising with affected young people to build a collective response to the crisis they are facing. Join us!


⬆️ We’ve already begun confronting senior politicians over their failure on mental health policy - and we’re only just getting started. Click on the images to watch a video!



We urgently need the government to increase investment and reform mental health services so that every patient can get the mental healthcare they need, when they need it. If you agree, add your name to our campaign petition today! 👇

Regardless of age, if you or a loved one has faced barriers accessing mental health services, we want to hear your story - it will help us shape and inform our campaign plans and bring even more people into this movement. Share your story today 👇