The biggest moments in our lives often happen within the NHS

A NHS New Deal volunteer’s thoughts on why it’s so important for us to all come together and fight for a New Deal.

The biggest moments in our lives often happen within the NHS. When my doctor told me I was pregnant she looked at me and asked if I was happy...I said yes.

The journey to becoming a mum started with blood tests and loads of injections that had me guzzling Lucozades as I got light headed and queasy. But however annoying I got, the nurses constantly took care of my needs. Giving birth was the moment that triggered my appreciation for doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers.  


While I was in labour, so many things could have gone wrong. It was the attentiveness, expertise and knowledge of the doctors and nurses that helped me through it. During my 16 hours of labour, I just wanted to go home - this was not what I thought I had signed up for! But it was NHS staff that told me to stop feeling sorry for myself, grit my teeth and get through it as there was a beautiful baby waiting to meet me. How right they were!  

After several hours, my baby’s heartbeat slowed, and I needed an emergency C-section. Within minutes doctors were alerted and I was wheeled into theatre. No words can describe the fear that I felt at this moment. But the care I received during this time will stay with me for eternity - everything was done to ensure my child and I were as safe as possible, and I knew I was in safe hands! 

Alongside the doctors and nurses, there were the cleaners that helped me mop the vomit of my hours old son; the porters that brought food over after I stayed up all night with a crying baby. It’s easy to take something for granted when it’s always been there. That’s exactly what we’re doing with our NHS. Now is the time we need to stand and fight to protect our NHS. That’s why I support the NHS New Deal. I want to ensure our NHS is protected from privatisation.

I never want a health system that penalises a person for being sick or wanting help. I couldn’t imagine the debt I’d be in for every vaccine, check up and procedure I’ve had in my life were it not to be for the NHS. I feel lucky that I’ve never had to make a decision of rejecting a treatment because I can’t afford it. That’s what the NHS has given us - the comfort of knowing we will always be cared for. Now is the time we need to care for our NHS.

We’ve clapped for carers throughout lockdown, but our government must show appreciation through action rather than gimmicks. It’s time NHS staff receive pay that is adequate, get free parking and it’s time the government stop decimating programs and resources needed to help all communities.

Protect our NHS. Join the #NHSNewDeal movement!

Maryam Asaria