End the Hostile Environment

The Hostile Environment – which includes policies designed to limit access to the NHS based on migration status - means that many migrants are deterred from seeking care, face greater delays in accessing treatment or have care denied outright. This must change.

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Hope Worsdale
Vaccines only work if people can access them

The announcement that a vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is 90% accurate is promising news. But public funding has gone into this vaccine, and Pfizer have been clear they intend to make huge financial gains from it. It is critical that monopolies and profits cannot be allowed to block access.

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Hope Worsdale
Centring Racial Justice in the NHS New Deal

With the COVID crisis thrusting the issue of racism within the NHS back into the limelight, it’s our responsibility to make sure we don’t stop talking about it. People of colour, like ourselves, helped build the NHS. We should be able to access the same quality of care and be given the same opportunities to work within and help grow the NHS without fear of prejudice or abuse.

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Maryam Asaria
We need a real NHS New Deal

The NHS has suffered greatly under austerity and the ongoing privatisation of our health system. It is time for a New Deal that ensures patient care is prioritised over profits. Read about Just Treatment’s plans for a real New Deal for the NHS

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Maryam Asaria
The NHS big conversation: sioned

Last month, Just Treatment launched our “Big conversations” campaign where we began speaking to someone in every constituency in the UK about their experience of Coronavirus and the NHS. Read about her experience with  COVID-19, her thoughts on the future of the NHS and why we need a New Deal for the NHS.

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Callum Bell
"Our lives have not been as important as kickstarting the economy again"

For me, a lot of questions about our response to this virus need answering, and a lot should have been done differently! Why did lockdown start so late? Why was the narrative of herd immunity used by England’s Chief Scientific Adviser? Why have key staff not been given adequate Protective Equipment? Why has it taken so long to accept offers from businesses in the UK offering PPE? Why is it only now that the UK is starting to think about tracking and tracing? Why has our approach been so different to other countries?

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Secret deals around Coronavirus Vaccine

Commenting on AstraZeneca having announced they are to benefit from a further $750m as an "Advanced Market Commitment" for the supply of a coronavirus vaccine candidate announced as part of a deal to provide access in low and middle income countries

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Maryam Asaria
Profit before lives: Global Vaccine Summit 2nd June

Today, Boris Johnson is hosting a Global Coronavirus Vaccine Summit to generate funds to support the work of GAVI. Just Treatment is warning the UK approach to developing a vaccine risks undermining the global coronavirus response by handing too much power and money to the pharmaceutical industry.

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Maryam Asaria